So I’m sure if you have done a show or ever considered doing one, you have heard about the post show rebound that we fear so much. And we all say that we won’t ever allow that to happen to us. But to be completely honest, I think that everyone will go through it at least once.

I am going to share with you my experience with post show rebounds. And how I have gotten past it and am now in an amazing place (& only getting better).
A post show rebound happens when you diet down to an extremely lean body fat percentage and then binge or over indulge yourself after your diet/show. This will obviously cause you to put on weight at a very fast pace. It will start off as water weight, but if you continue to binge, then you can expect to get FAT (I like to say fluffy).
After earning my pro card, I was by far at my leanest. I had dieted so had for a total of twenty weeks. So of course I wanted to eat everything is sight afterwards. And unfortunately, that is exactly what I did. When I stepped on stage I weighed 105 pounds; and about three months later I weighed 141 pounds. OMG! Craziness! I had hit rock bottom. I was at my worst in so many ways.
So what did I do? I did what I had to do! I started to clean things up. With Tony’s help, I started to count macros. I slowly started to go back into diet mode. I personally have a really hard time with moderation. I’m either all in, or all out (I am getting better with this). I also started to get more into my training. Tony really helped me get back to enjoying health and fitness, again.
Getting back into the swing of things I was able to get down to 136 pounds. I still wasn’t happy. I didn’t want to look in the mirror. I didn’t want to go clothes shopping. I didn’t even want to be seen in a bathing suit, let alone naked! This is when I hired Jason Theobald (I have mentioned him quite a few times in my blogs, posts and videos).

Come this December, it will be a year of working with Jason. And my body has transformed in an amazing way! But it took a lot of hard work and PATIENCE; and quite a few tears and a couple breakdowns.
This is not easy you guys! At least it wasn’t for me; you might be a super hero. LOL. Jason and I have been doing somewhat of a rollercoaster with my macros. We started with increasing my food/calories. Then lowered them… And back and forth. The goal with doing that is to get leaner each time I go into a calorie deficit. And when we increase calories I will be leaner with more food and less cardio. This process is time consuming, but IT WORKS!

I am currently in a deficit. I am also at the lightest I have ever been in an off season (119 pounds). BONUS! I am also at my strongest! All of this took a Positive attitude, Persistence, and Patience. I have about five more weeks to go with this deficit/mini cut. I’m excited to see what my physique looks like after all the work I have put in (dieting and powerlifting).
All in all, I am writing this blog for two reasons. One, I wanted to bring to reality how challenging it is to avoid or go through a rebound. It really has changed me and made me a stronger individual and better athlete. Two, if you do have a rebound it is not the end of the world; you CAN comeback from it. It will not be easy, not one bit, but it is possible. Surround yourself with motivating people, who help keep you in check; and believe in yourself.
“If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” –Jim Rohn