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Be Obsessed, Be Passionate, & WORK HARD!

Are you obsessed with something? Is there something that you are constantly thinking about?

If so, what is it? Is it something that you do every day? Or is it something that you dream of doing?

If you aren’t doing this something, why aren’t you? Is there something holding you back?

If something is holding you back, what is it? And how can you get passed it?

Sorry for all the questions. But they are all questions you should really ask yourself. While I am typing this, I am asking myself the very same things.

I’m obsessed with health and fitness. I think about my training, nutrition, clients, and future shows or meets ALL OF THE TIME!

At first I thought that something was wrong with me. Why do I always think about all these things? Sometimes it is like I cannot focus on other things. And then I listened to a podcast that said you should only think about eating when you are eating, training when you are training, and so on.

Note to self: You don’t have to listen to/believe everything you hear/read.

My “obsession” with health and fitness is NOT a bad thing. If anything it is a blessing that I have been able to find what I am passionate about.

I want to be the best athlete that I can be (in both bodybuilding and powerlifting). Therefore, why shouldn’t I always be thinking about what I put into my body?

I also want to help others live a happier and healthier life. So I better be thinking about my clients and how I can help them.

Instead of thinking that I have a problem, I am going to embrace my love for what I do! And you should do the same!

Is “it” something you do every day? Or do you dream of doing it?

Training and nutrition is something that I do every day, year round. The saying, “no off days,” is real. It doesn’t mean that I do not rest (rest is part of the process); it simply means that I am always doing things with my goals/passion in mind.

I want to be the best I can be! Plus I love what I do. So there is no need to take a break. I make sure that everything I do has a purpose.

Is something holding you back?

When it comes to my own training and nutrition, nothing holds me back…

When it comes to being able to do my online and in person training for my clients full time (not having to work a desk job), the only thing holding me back is, ME. I simply do not work as hard as I should. I thought I was working hard, but I can work so much harder.

Here are some things that I need to do/do more of:

  1. Get out there and meet people in my area (network)

  2. Write more articles/blogs

  3. Present myself as a coach (not just an athlete)

  4. Collaborate with others in my field (in my area and on social media)

  5. Treat my business as a full time JOB! (not a hobby)


To wrap all this up… I am no longer going to view my obsession as a negative thing. I am going to allow my passion to shine through my training and nutrition (for myself and my clients). And sharing with all of you, the fact that I need to work harder is a good kick in the butt.

Go out there a find what you want to do. Life is too short to not do what you love. And of course, make sure you work hard! Things worth having do not come easy.

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