<---- That right there is me giving myself a pep talk to stick to my plan!
I really hope this blog has shed some light on the fact that health and fitness professional and elite/pro athletes struggle just like "normal" people do when it comes to sticking to the plan.
Even though I wish I was some kind of super hero that didn't crave all of the junk food.
The past two weeks have been so challenging.
I honestly just want to eat!
I am so frustrated with my weight right now.
And the fact that I have been on point with things, and my weight still isn't budging just makes me want to cheat!
But that won't fix anything. So I have of course stuck to my plan. And Tony has been great with supporting me.
I know I've mentioned it before.. But surrounding yourself with positive people that love and support you is HUGE! Especially with such an extreme lifestyle. ME --->
Funny! But not funny!
Anyways, enough of that...
I will keep working hard to accomplish my goals!
*mic drop*