I am officially one week away from stepping on the pro stage!
I don't even know if I can put into words how I feel right now!
This whole thing is just crazy.
When I decided to compete in figure... I just wanted to try it out. And then after I tried it out. I LOVED IT! But I still would have never guessed that I would be where I am today.
When I started my prep I was so ready to see some big changes. But as time when on... I wasn't seeing the changes that I wanted to AT FIRST!
Tony kept telling me that it doesn't matter where you start, it matters where you finish. He would also tell me that I don't need to be show ready until I'm on stage! He truly has been amazing during this whole process!
Even a couple weeks ago, though, I still didn't think I was going to be ready (mainly my lower body). But as of this week, I feel amazing! My coach seems to be happy with my look, and so am I! And I swear, each day I feel like I get leaner and leaner!
This is why I love bodybuilding so much! It is such an amazing thing to experience! Having that much control over your body is so cool. And learning along the way is even cooler!
Becoming a bodybuilder (figure competitor) has honestly made me a better person. If it wasn't for me getting into the sport, I would be where or who I am today.
I have lost weight. I have gained weight... And then had to lose it again. I have put on muscle mass. I have dieted away my muscle mass. I have also, thankfully, rebuilt that muscle mass. I have gotten physically, mentally, and emotionally STRONGER!
I feel like, because I have been through all of the above, I am a better coach/trainer. I have experienced almost everything a client would go through (not really, but I have experienced a lot).
Well... I'm not really sure where I am going with this blog. It is mostly just for me to let everything out. On the bright side, at least it is all positive! The last time I did this kind of blog, I was venting and having a little meltdown.
Today is my refeed day. It has been so cool having a refeed every week! I've never done that in the past.
These refeed meals have really made the weeks a lot easier. I feel like my body and mind are both is a healthier place. Especially because during the rest of the week I eat less than 650 calories a day.
YES! CRAZY LOW CALORIES! But you know what is even crazier! I'M NOT HUNGRY!
Yes, I have been feeling more drained as of late... But that's really it. And my training has been amazing up until this week. And I'm not saying that this week hasn't been amazing... I'm just fatiguing extremely quick, and my recovery is awful.
I have been making sure to take care of my body more, though. More Epsom salt baths. Some relaxing stretching and rolling out. I also have been taking a good bit of naps when I am not working at the dealership.
At this point in prep, I need to stay as healthy as I can. I also need to be safe in the gym. If you watch any of my videos, I always have someone there spotting me!
Well, I think I'll end it here. I will make sure to keep you guys posted on how my peak week goes.
You can follow me on IG and watch my story... That is most likely where I will be posting during my show.
You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel! I post at least one video a week! Workouts, coaching, travelling, eating.. A little bit of everything :) & of course I will be making a video of my competition weekend! Woot Woot!