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Improvement Season 13

Saturday December 16, 2017

Wow! Christmas is around the corner! I seriously cannot believe how fast this year went by.

This year was full of amazing adventures! What did you guys do this year?

I would love to hear from you! Please email me at to share your story!

WELP! Do you know what today is? IT IS REFEED DAY!

Now that I am on point with my eating... I do have a new struggle.

Come Thursday, I start to get very hungry! Friday is even worse. And then Saturday morning.. I know that it is my refeed day. So sometimes I go crazy! I just eat whatever! NOT GOOD! But if I'm going to do it, that is the day.

I am kind of getting past the mental part of eating off plan, but not really. It still gets to my head.

That's not the worst part of it though. When I eat off plan first thing in the morning.. It obviously causes a couple issues...

1. I went off plan. And the foods that I really like are generally really high in fats.

2. My stomach is not a fan of junk. So I will most likely have a stomach ache for the day, as well as gas and bloating.

3. I feel guilty. I am getting better about this though. No need to feel guilty. If I eat, there is nothing I can do but move on and get back on plan.

4. Once I go off plan, it is very challenging for me to get back on. This is why I eat my cheat me for my last meal of the day.

This is something I need to work on! I need to stick to the plan as if I am getting ready for a show. This will most likely be something that I will have to work at for quite a while. Honestly... Probably until I start meet prep for the US Open.

Monday December 18, 2017

Happy Monday everyone! Is anyone else super tired?

I am exhausted. I think it is mainly because I got some work done on my upper body last night.

I am quite sore from it. But my shoulder did and does feel better! I met with Kelly from Ironside. She did such a great job! She also gave me some homework exercises to do on my own! Just what I wanted! :)

She also told me that there is nothing serious going on with my shoulder, which is great news! She said that it probably needs a little rest, but knowing that I won't do that very successfully... She told me that strengthening and stabilizing the area will be best! By stabilizing the shoulder, it will tell the body that everything is okay. And it will calm down and stop hurting so much! YAY!

So... One of my coworkers asked me about vitamins today. He asked if there was anything that he should be taking. MY ANSWER: If your eating is well rounded with good quality, healthy foods, then you shouldn't need to supplement anything. Of course, unless you have a deficiency. I did mention that he can take a multivitamin, just to cover all bases. And also some vitamin D.. Well because OREGON! Lol.

He told me that he was very tired. So I asked him about his sleep. He said that when he works or is active during the day, then he sleeps good. But on his days off he doesn't sleep very well... He answered his own question in a way. Be active and you will sleep better.

He also mentioned that him and his wife were going to take a week off for "dieting." I advised him not to do that. This is a fairly new habit for him. He told me that he didn't plan on going completely crazy with all of the food. But I told him the fact that he said he was taking a week OFF.. Means he already has it in his mind that it will be okay to eat more, which can lead to going crazy.

I told him that he can most definitely enjoy himself at the holiday parties.. But during the day and the rest of the week.. Eat his normal food. Him enjoying himself at the parties will end up equaling him increasing his calories (which is what he said he wanted to do). Then, after the holidays are over he can increase his daily calories.

I just wanted to share this with you guys, just in case one of you were going through something similar.

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