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Dieting During the Holidays + Affordable Groceries


I figured this would be a great topic to blog about as we approach Christmas and New Years.

Too bad I didn't write about it before Thanksgiving. But that's okay. Better late, than never ツ

Okay... So first... I want to talk about how I'm not a huge fan of the work DIET.

If you have read my blogs or followed me on any social media... Then you most likely know why.

The word diet generally means that you are doing it temporarily. Even though your goal is probably to be able to lose some weight and stay around there for the rest of your life.

How does that work? You can't do something for a little while to achieve a goal... And then never do it again, but yet keep what you have achieved. You eat really healthy and are active to lose some weight. Then you lose the weight... And go back to eating pizza and ice cream on the couch every day. You will gain all the weight back, plus some.

I don't mean to sound mean, or harsh in anyway... But then again... I kind of do.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

So if you have a goal to lose weight or live a healthier life... Then I would recommend you NOT view it as a diet. I would say you can view/call it a diet... If you know it is temporary. For instance... You are getting ready for a photoshoot, a bodybuilding show, making weight for a powerlifting meet... Or anything else like that. Generally, you diet for A DAY. All the things I listed are all one day events. If you are trying to make a lifestyle change... You are NOT DIETING.

Making a lifestyle change is just that... A LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

Which means you are going to be making some changes to the way you live your life.

And I would say... No matter what time of year... Make small changes. & one change at a time.

People tend to fail to accomplish their goals (weightless or something else) because they overwhelm themselves. They eat McDonald's for every meal, every day... And then decide that it is a good idea to only eat a salad all day, every day. NO! That person is going to HATE it... And most likely give up halfway through the first day.

ᔕET YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ ᑌᑭ ᖴOᖇ ᔕᑌᑕᑕEᔕᔕ!

1. Start small!!! Find one thing you would like to improve on. And start there.

You don't drink enough water... Okay, so drink one glass of water a day. Sure... One glass isn't enough. But if it is one more glass than you were drinking. Then I say that's a win! Please! DO NOT! Try to force yourself to drink a gallon a day... If you barely drink a glass!!!!

2. Be realistic with your goals.

Like the water goal above... Be realistic with all of your goals. If you don't workout already... DO NOT try to make yourself workout 7 days a week. Perhaps just try going on a 5 minute walk each day. Or set a goal of working out 1-2 times a week.

3. Be kind to yourself!!! (I need to practice this more myself)

This is probably the most important one!!! Talking down about yourself is NEVER going to help you achieve your goals. Being negative... Who needs that?! & who enjoys that?! NO ONE!!! So if you have the choice to be happy and positive... Then why wouldn't you choose that route?! CHOOSE IT!!! I promise you... It will be so much more enjoyable for you and the people around you!

Just because you aren't where you want to me (weight, health, strength, business, etc..) doesn't mean you can genuinely love yourself and where you are at.

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕥. 𝔼𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕥. 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣! ♡


Okay... Now let's talk about how to go about your diet.. Or new lifestyle change.. DURING THE HOLIDAYS! ... We all work (or try to) so hard during the year to accomplish our weight loss, fitness, and/or health goals... So of us succeed (some not so much)... But either way, right around Halloween is when people start to set their health goals to the side. The candy starts to find its way in the house and into our mouths. Then after Halloween... Thanksgiving rolls around... Christmas... New Years.

But HEY!!! In all actuality, there are holidays ALL YEAR ROUND. Valentine's Day. St. Patties Day. Easter. And so on... There are bbq's. Other gatherings and festivities. Birthday parties.

All I'm trying to say... Is there is always going to be something that is going on.

SO STOP ALLOWING HOLIDAYS BE AN EXCUSE FOR WHY YOU AREN'T ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS! (I'm not yelling at you... I just like to be dramatic sometimes. And This message is for me too).

The best way to diet during the holidays is to NOT over emphasized the importance of the food. Yes, food is delicious! Yes, it is especially yummy this time of year! But we don't need to OVER DO IT!

This is something I have been really working on myself. Being a bodybuilder... I would kind of diet year-round. I was always watching what I ate. Trying to keep my calories lower so I didn't gain too much weight or get to "fat." (& I actually think that hindered my progress as a bodybuilder because I wasn't able to grow)...

But now, that I have stepped away from the stage for a while (not sure when or if I will compete in bodybuilding again)... I have been able to also step away from food, in a way. Don't get me wrong... I still LOVE food! Probably even more so now that I have started Keeks Treats (shameless plug). But my love for food is different. I view it as art, as inspiration for what I am going to create next.

I no longer view food as a reward. Or as a cheat... Well, I'm working on that one still. Sometimes I still feel guilty when I eat a few too many cookies. But what I am trying to say is... I don't feel the need to over indulge. I eat what I want... And that's it. And while I'm eating... I'm very mindful of how I am feeling. My tummy, my mind... And then my performance. Also my sleep.

Tummy: How does the food sit in my stomach. How does it digest.

Do I get bloated or gassy... All things to think about.

Mind: Does eating this make me feel guilty... If so, why?

Performance: If I eat this does it make me feel heavy or sluggish in the gym.

Sleep: If I over indulge... I normally don't sleep well.

I also make sure to think to myself... Am I actually hungry right now? A lot of times people aren't actually hungry. You might just be eating simply because the food is there. Or because you think you have to. Or you are bored. Or even thirsty!!!

Then I think about what I WANT right now. Like really want to eat. If you don't like something... Then you don't need to eat it. So many times people try to force themselves to eat something they think they should, but it never actually satisfies them... Example... Someone really wants a piece of chocolate. But they think they shouldn't eat it... So they eat a sandwich instead. But they still feel hungry, so then they eat some yogurt, then some fruit, then trail mix... And so on... Until they FINALLY eat the damn piece of chocolate. Yay! Finally satisfied!

Had they just eaten the piece of chocolate in the first place... They probably wouldn't have eaten all the extra stuff... And although the extra stuff was most likely healthy... It was still a lot of extra calories.

I hope all that made sense.


Okay... I have to wrap this blog up... Before it ends up lost. LOL.

So lets talk affordable grocery shopping.

If you are an athlete, and are eating every few hours... Then you know you buy a lot of food.

And if you are a baker on top of that! WELL DANG!!! That's about all you have money for!!!

With that being said... Where do I do my grocery shopping? Do I buy organic?

I shop at Fred Meyer mostly. But I also shop at Walmart when I can. Walmart is normally the cheapest. Oh, and... Winco has really good prices on certain things. And because I buy some things in bulk for baking... I shop at a wholesale store called Cash and Carry.

Do I buy organic...? NOOOOOO!

It's a cool idea and all. But your girl can't afford that. Tony and I eat way too much food!!!

I don't see the need to buy organic, but that's just me.

If you are buy good food... Protein, veggies, healthy fats, etc... Then you will be good ツ

So what is the CHEAPEST route?

Chicken breasts are pretty cheap if you get the store brand. Tuna is always cheap.

Frozen veggies are cheap (& quick and easy). So many people think that frozen is bad for you, or less healthy... It isn't. If anything it is fresher because it was frozen at its peak state.

Peanuts or peanut butter is pretty cheap. I love avocados... But they aren't the cheapest.

Sharp cheddar cheese is good too. And I'm sure it is cheap if you buy the store brand.

Rice is a super cheap carb source. Bread too... Depending on the brand.

If you don't eat meat... I'm pretty sure beans are cheap.

I don't really eat beans... So don't quote me on that. LOL.

I'm not sure how much help the affordable part was. It's hard because I don't know what you guys eat, or where you shop. I would just look at the stores online and compare prices. And go where things are the cheapest. Even if that means you drive to different stores... If you really want to spend the least on the groceries. But then again... You don't want to spend more on gas. So it all has to make sense ツ

(I just love that little smiley face!!!)

Well... I think that's it for now. If I missed anything, or if you have other questions about these topics. Then PLEASE make sure to comment or email me!

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