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Under 16 Weeks Out! + Weekend Adventures!

Monday, June 18, 2018

First things first... I had an AMAZING, adventurous weekend with my handsome and other great people!!!


Tony and I went to the gym at 8am. Then we left for our adventure.

First stop was Cannon Beach to see the Goonies Rock (aka Haystack Rock).

We walked on the beach for a little bit... Then went into the little town at the bottom of the hill.

Of course we had to stop by Cannon Beach Bakery to get some cookies. And even more of course... We had to stop by a candy shop to get some delicious fudge!!!! MMMMM! We walked about a little, grabbed some coffee... Then back on the road.

Then we stopped by the Tillamook Cheese Factory... It wasn't the coolest thing though. It was just a food court because the visitors center was under construction. Boooo.

After that we went and saw the Devi's Punch Bowl. It was pretty cool... Nothing too crazy special.

By that time... We had been on the road and exploring for quite some time... And we had dinner reservations at 7pm in Newport. So we headed to our hotel to check-in and get ready for dinner.

We went to Clear Water... I think that's the name of it. Tony planned it all.

It was delicious! Bread and fried avocado for an appetizer.

Halibut on some avocado mousse and cauliflower soup for dindin. Smores for dessert. And we still had out cookies and fudge at the hotel!



I got up and did my fasted cardio. Did some intervals on an incline on the treadmill. Woo! That got me sweaty!!!

Had I known the hike we were going on was going to be so brutal... I might have skipped the cardio. LOL.

Tony, Brandon, DJ and I all did a 7ish mile hike. Cape Perpetua was the name. Tony picked that hike because the website he found it on said it was pretty flat. AND IT WAS NOT! Hahahaha! But it was still gorgeous! We were in the middle of the woods. I felt like I was in a Jurassic Park movie. The bushes/plants were taller than me (which isn't that hard to do). After we survived that hike... We went and saw Spouting Horn and Thor's Well! OMG! This was the coolest thing I've seen! Then we all went back to our hotels and showered and passed out. Well I did! Ha.


This was meet day for the Strength Union team! It was a long day... But definitely fun! And everyone did an amazing job! Hit PR's and came home with some medals! Yay team! I'm very proud of everyone! It was so awesome having a good crew there (coaches and clients)!

After the meet... It was time to go home. Such a great weekend... But I was ready to get back to my routine.

Mostly ready to get the drive over with. Ha.

I totally should have taken Monday (today) off... But I didn't. That means I had a pretty busy night and morning. But that's okay. I got my stuff done, meals prepped, programs sent out, laundry washed. Woo! & now I go on with an amazing week :)

I will have a YouTube video of all the fun! Stay tuned!

My channel:

Make sure you subscribe to my channel!

The end :)

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