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13 Weeks!

MONDAY, JULY 7, 2018

I am currently at work (at the dealership).

Man oh man... I could really use a nap right now. I was just talking to Tony about how tired I've been.

I feel like ever since my shows last year... I feel like I'm always tired. Like I need to sleep for a week straight to catch up on rest!

I do have days where I sleep in. But still, my sleeping in is until 5 or 6 am. MAYBE 7 am. But that's pushing it!

I've gotten so used to being up early.. That if I don't get up early, I feel like I wasted my day.

I need to figure something out though!!! Because I don't want to continue being tired forever!

Anyways... Complaining about how tired I am isn't going to fix anything.

So here is an update of how prep is going....

Coach hasn't really changed anything.


LOW: p100/c50/F21 (rest day)

MED: p105/c102.5/f21 (am training)

MED: p105/c102.5/f21 (pm training)

HIGH: p100/c430/f0 (Saturday)*CHEAT MEAL REPLACE LAST MEAL


22 mins HIIT, 5 days FASTED

12 mins HIIT, 4 days POST W/O

**one day of fasted cardio will be replaced with hiking (as long as it is more than 12,000 steps)


SUN: lower

MON: upper

TUES: lower

WED: upper

THURS: off

FRI: off (outdoor activity day)

SAT: back (refeed/cheat meal)

I have been dropping about a pound per week... Except for this week!

I was 128.6 before my cheat meal last week. And I was 128.2 before my cheat meal this week.

It is always a little discouraging when the scale weight doesn't drop.

But I do my best to just relax... & let coach take over.

Stressing about the scale doesn't do anything but make things worse.

Plus... The judges don't weigh me on stage (I say this a lot. It helps me)

So I went about my refeed/cheat meal day, and didn't worry about the scale.

But I did step on the scale after I ate all my measured macros (before my cheat meal)...


I was just about the same weight as I was at 4am with no food in me! CRAZY!!! Definitely not complaining! :)

Then I woke up at 129.8 Sunday morning!!! AND 128.0 Monday morning! OKAY THEN LITTLE BODY!

My next refeed isn't until Saturday... So I have the entire week to drop. (technically I am at a new low)

The human body is absolutely amazing! My favorite part of prepping is watching the body transform!

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018

Hello & happy Tuesday!

I think I say this all the time! Happy whatever day it is!!!

I am in a very good mood today! I like it!

I am just so thankful for my life and everyone in it!

Do you ever have days like this? Where you just wake up in a great mood.. & are so grateful for everything around you!!!! If you don't... You should definitely try it sometime :)

I know we don't have 100% control over our mood because it does have to do with our hormones. But I do think we do some a good bit of control over it. Or at least can do a lot to improve our mood. Or not let our bad mood ruin our day and other peoples day.


Well... In my experience... It is all about your mindset.

I know this is cliche to say... But you have to think happy/positive.

See the good in things. Or if there isn't any good... See the lesson in things.

Things don't happen to you. There is a reason for everything.

Difficult things make you strong and teach you a lesson. They also make you appreciate the good just that much more. Good things make the difficult worth it. :)

Speaking of good things... My coach just emailed me... Pretty much saying that he is very happy with my progress! Yay!!! He also said that starting next week I will be starting fat burners and increasing cardio. EEK!

Let's touch on those two things... Fat burners & cardio.

1. Fat burners:


And I do not recommend you take one if you are just starting to eat healthier or just starting to workout.

You don't need them. I used to take fat burners and thermogenics all the time.. & honestly... They didn't do much. They just made me a little hot/sweaty. Which I do like when I'm doing cardio. But that's about it.

Fat burners were just burning a hole in my wallet.

If you want to lose fat... Then the most important, and most beneficial, thing you can do is get your eating on point. If you need help with that you can email me at :)

2. Cardio:

I think that people (mostly female) do way too much cardio! I do think everyone should do some cardio for heart health... But you do not have to do 45-60 minutes after every workout!

I would prefer you come in, get a little 5-10 min warm-up... And just train hard with the weights.


If that way the case... I would look like the hulk by now.

I like to start my clients out with the bare minimum when it comes to cardio. 2 - 20 minute sessions is good. I mean you can start with less than that... But I find that most people are already doing cardio... & a lot more that 2 - 20 minute sessions. So I try to meet them (and their body) in the middle.

Always email me if you have any questions or want me to write about something specific :)

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