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Contest Prep, HERE I COME!

What is contest prep?

It is exactly what it says, prepping for a contest.

And in this case, the contest will be my PRO DEBUT!

It is crazy to think that I am a pro figure competitor.. I sometimes don't believe it.

I have only done four shows total.

October 2013 - First figure show

May 2014 - First women's physique show

June 2014 - Second figure show

July 2015 - Third figure show (earned my pro card)

Each show I did, I got better and better. Which is normally what the goal is. :)

That should be the goal in anything in life. As time goes on, the more you work, the harder you work, the better you should get. If you are not improving, then you need to re-evaluate what you are doing.

So... In this blog I want to talk (well, write) about why I am excited to start my prep/diet. I also want to talk about my goals. And my current mindset with everything.

I may be prepping/dieting for a bodybuilding show, but there are so many people out there dieting for other things. Or just dieting to simply improve their life. So I hope this blog helps. I will be blogging during my entire prep. I'm not sure what each blog will be about.. But I will do my best to be transparent about my experience and give you guys as many tips as possible (nutrition, training, mindset, recovery, etc).

I'm excited to start my prep because I love bodybuiding. The workouts are a blast (that pump, doe!). Watching your body transform in front of your eyes is amazing! It's pretty awesome to be lean. I am excited for the new challenge. I have been focusing on my strength performance; and now I will be focusing on how I look. I am also super stoked to have the opportunity to work with Justin Harris.

MY GOALS for this prep/diet...

I want to learn as much as possible! I am working with one of the smartest and most reputable coaches out there. I also want to maintain as much of my muscle mass as possible. I have worked really hard this off season to put on some good muscle. So I definitely DO NOT want to diet it away. With that being said.. I want to maintain some good strength. I know that when dieting you will naturally lose some strength.. But not all of it like I have in the past.

What else do I want to accomplish..?

I WANT SHREDDED LEGS! Like straight up diced!!!

My lower body is where I hold all my fat.. So I want to feel good about my leg for once! I want to be able to hold my own on the pro stage. I really don't want to walk out there looking like a rookie.

**But then again, if I'm at my best.. It shouldn't matter! I have to keep that in mind. I do this for ME! No one else.

Now.. Let's talk.. MINDSET!

Going into a contest prep with a good mindset is key.

You have to be ready! Which I am! I have had a great off season. And I am so anxious to see my improvements.

Prep is challenging in so many ways, but especially mentally. You cannot eat when you are "starving." You have to train with you have little energy. You look in the mirror at times and think that you don't look good enough. You have to be mentally strong enough to work through it all.

My current mindset is getting better and better. At first I was worried about starting prep because I have been a little fatty with food (I'm still being a little fat LOL).

But I am ready to do this! I'm ready to improve and learn! STAY TUNED :)

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