Hey guys and gals!
So, I have kind of missed writing my daily blogs. I enjoy the educational blogs, but I forgot how much I really enjoy just jotting down the words that come to my mind. And with this prep.. There are quite a few words; especially because it is my pro debut.
Should I blog daily again???
Well, let's do a prep update.
I have been dieting for 9.5 weeks now. I started my diet at 133-134lbs. I am now 121lbs. Woot woot!
This prep so far, has been the easiest prep I have ever done (I have done 4 preps, this one is 5)!
My calories are pretty low throughout the week. The majority of my carbs come from veggies. And I have very little added fats. The most fats I get in a day is 10g; and that is broken up into two meals.
But, surprisingly, with all of that... I feel great!
Oh! I almost forgot! I do get one refeed day. That day I eat over 2000 calories. All carbs and some protein. I also have a "cheat" meal. It is a cleaner cheat meal. I do my best to keep the fats to a minimum.
I love this day! It is actually hard for me to get in all the food. But I am NOT complaining! :)
The next day or two after my refeed day is a little tough, because I am hungry for more food. But that is a good thing. That means that the refeed day did what it was supposed to. It boosted my metabolism. My body knows that it isn't starving. So it can continue to lose weight.
Now let's discuss my training and strength in the gym.
Sure there are days that I don't perform as good as I would like to. But that's okay, and normal.
This is by far, the best I have ever felt during prep. I still have pretty good energy throughout the day, and during my workouts. I am able to progress with my lifts (getting stronger). Yay!!!
The only thing that really kicks my butt is the HIIT cardio post workout. Mainly after my leg days! It is rough. But I get it done! & I GIVE IT MY ALL!
Fasted cardio on the other hand... I actually really enjoy it! :)
Overall, prep has been great! My coach, Justin Harris has been amazing as well! He answers all my questions with in-depth detail. And he is very consistent with his responses.
Well... This will be it for this update. Short and sweet (kinda).
Let me know if you want me to do daily blogs again :)
You can comment on this or email me at kaylie.trainer@gmail.com