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To Diet or Not to Diet?


Okay... So I said I am going to give you guys more valuable content going forward. So that is what I shall do! :)

As you guys may know... I have been struggling with sticking to my diet.

It all started when the traveling started. And I haven't really been able to get back on track 100%.

Why is that? Why am I struggling so much? When I never really had this issue in the past.

To be completely honest, I don't really know.

Part of me wants to blame it on the fact that I've been so strict for such a long time.

But the more I think about it... That excuse sounds silly to me. This is the lifestyle I live.

Compared to the average job... I'm always really strict.

Part of me blames the travel. But, I've travelled and dieted before. So that excuse is out!

I did think it was because I needed a deadline... A goal, which is normally some sort of competition (bodybuilding or powerlifting). But that didn't work for me either. I set goals. I signed up for comps. I gave myself plenty of deadlines. NOPE!

So then I thought it would work if I hired a coach. Sad to say... That did NOT help. Instead.. I just disappointed myself... & I'm pretty sure I disappointed the new coach I hired. (very sad face, and heart)

*Note to self/And others if needed: DO NOT MAKE A DECISION WITH YOUR EMOTIONS!


When it all comes down to it... I think it has to do with my mindset. I also think the baking makes dieting challenging. Not the actual treats (although I still want to eat everything).

The baking has changed my goals with life, and my career choice.

I want to grow my baking business. I want to learn more about baking all of the things. I literally can bake all day long. This is the first time I've found something that makes me hold my pee way too long. Makes me skip meals (which I have stopped doing). And makes me even want to skip the gym so I can bake more.

This whole thing is so weird for me.

With all of that being said... I do still want to be an athlete. I'm not done bodybuilding.. And powerlifting, I think will always be something I will do. But I think at the moment, baking is my number one. WOW! I can't believe I just said that!

So I have paused my nutrition coaching.

Now is not the right time to diet. It really is just causing me more stress... Which is definitely not helping me diet/lose weight. And I'm not getting enough sleep... But that's for another blog! Ha.

So what am I going to do? What should one do if they are having a hard time dieting?

Well, like I mentioned above.. I paused my nutrition coaching. I have also decided that I am NOT going to be doing a bodybuilding show in 2019. And I was talking to Tony... And he thinks I should take a good bit of time off from bodybuilding...

1. He doesn't think it is healthy, which it isn't.

2. I'm clearly not in the right mindset for it at the moment.

So I'm just going to wait until I know I'm ready. When it is time... I WILL KNOW IT :)

And even though I paused my nutrition... That doesn't mean that I am going to just eat whatever I want. I already wrote out some macros for myself. What I changed from my coaches plan is I gave myself a rest day and training day macros. I also will allow one cheat meal a week. I tried doing no cheat meal... And now is not the time for all that. I need a cheat meal at the moment. So I'm not going to try take it out.

I am also going back to weighing myself daily. I took some time off from the scale... And I gained way more weight than I would have liked. So clearly the scale helps me keep things in check.

My goal is to still diet down. I want to get do the mid-high 120's. That will put me in a good place mentally. Plus, I will be close to my weight class in powerlifting.

My New Macros:

Rest Days: about 1600 calories

P190, C85, F56

Training Days: About 1800 calories

P165, C171, F50

5 days of cardio, about 30 mins

Most of my cardio will be walking or riding the bike. Something low intensity. However, I am going to do 2 sessions a week with some high intensity (on rest days or upper body days).

I'm training 5 days a week. 2 upper, 2 lower, and 1 strongman event day. :)


1. You need to define your real goal.

Figure out why you decided to diet. What is your long term goal. And of course short term . Is dieting going to add to your life? Make you a better person? Is dieting stressing you out? Yes.. There will be a little bit of stress when you are doing something challenging.. But you don't want it to be all that you think about.

2. You need to set yourself up for success.

Make sure that your goal is realistic. And give yourself wiggle room!!!! DO NOT DO A CRASH DIET! They don't work! Even if you lose weight.. You will most likely gain the weight back, plus some.

You can also set yourself up for success by meal prepping. Tony and I bring one or two meals with us every time we leave the house.

3. Get your protein in!

The average person does not eat enough protein. Mainly because carbs and fats are so delicious! Plus, most don't know how amazing protein is!!! It is the best macro! Protein is the most thermogenic! Meaning it burns calories (in a way). Your body just has to work harder to digest it. And protein is what helps you build all of the muscles (when I typed muscles.. I pronounced it the "c"). Ha.

4. Drink lots of water!

Especially now that it is hot. Water is so important. Pretty much everyone I know could drink more water. Very few people actually drink enough. If you are an athlete.. I would say a gallon. But the best way to gauge if you are drinking enough... Your pee should be a very faint yellow.

Water will obviously hydrate you. But it also fills your stomach.

*Bonus Tip: Get your salt in too! This will help avoid muscle cramps.

5. Focus on the good!

This one is obvious. But then, perhaps not so much. A lot of us see what we can't have. What we have to cut out. What others get, but not us... Blah, blah, blah... STOP THAT! And that goes for me too! We all need to focus on all the great things we have, and get to do!

I get to eat good, healthy food. (I'm not starving)

I get to work towards my goals. (Some are just simply trying survive, literally)

I get to go to an awesome gym, and train. (I don't have broken, or missing limbs)

Well... There you go. LET'S DO THIS YOU GUYS!!

We are in this together! Let's accomplish out goals!!! :)

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