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My Journey as a Figure Competitor

After high school is when it all started. I was no longer cheering, so I had to do something… So I decided to get a gym membership. The first three years at a gym I was just doing random things. I did not have a specific goal or direction. I just wanted to be fit and healthy. Three years after I got my gym membership, some things changed. One, I had become a personal trainer. Two, I decided I wanted to prep for a show. Never thought either of those things would ever happen.

I was lucky enough to have a coworker who had a lot of competition experience, so I hired her! I originally wanted to do bikini, but she said that my body was built for figure. November 2013 I did my first figure show. At the moment, I was so happy with the way I looked. I was in the best shape I had ever been in! And that was my goal. I had a blast on stage too! I think I got last place, but I really did not care. I just packed up my things and drove back home (My show was in Sacramento, CA and I lived in Mountain House, CA).

It was now my “off season.” I just went back to my healthy lifestyle. I ate what I wanted (all healthy things, for the most part). And I trained simply because I loved to workout. It didn’t take much time before I started thinking about competing again. This is when I contacted Ariel Alberto (Team Cutz).

I had only worked with him for an eight week prep. I competed in the Women’s Physique Division in Culver City. I got sixth place… Not top five, but very close. At the time I was very upset with myself. Ariel was great with keeping my head high though. He had me do anther show two week later. This time I went back down to figure.

Each show I did (which was three), my body improved. My third show I placed second! I WAS NOW NATIONALLY QUALIFIED! I was so happy with my progress thus far! But I still didn’t care too much about it all. It was really just a hobby. Ariel saw the potential in me, though.

He told me to maintain a decent look and weight in my off season. And come the beginning of 2015 we started to plan out what national show I was going to do. He had also told me that I was going to be working with Linda (LindaFit) instead of him. At first I was very worried and upset. But I trusted the two of them.

I was so excited to begin my prep. I was ready to give it my all, my absolute one hundred percent; especially because this show was going to be the last one for a while. The reason for that was because I really wanted to get my life together (move out of my parent’s house, get a new car, get back to school, build my business, etc).

Twenty weeks later, prep came and went… And I followed it to the T! I knew I had given it my all! I survived the crazy diet. I pushed through each and every workout and cardio session. Most importantly I made it through all the mental and emotional blocks! I was in Las Vegas, very tired and hangry… But extremely excited to step on stage and showcase all my hard work.

I was proud of the package I brought. But this was a huge show; the best of the best were there. All of the ladies looked amazing, just flawless! We are all lined up on stage. My number is called! Thank goodness Linda was in the front row yelling at me, “KAYLIE THAT’S YOU!” because I honestly didn’t even realize they had called me. Oh my gosh, me in the first call outs!!! I couldn’t believe it! Then they put me in the middle! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!

Finals arrived, and I couldn’t wait to see the results! Plus I couldn’t wait to eat my suit case full of goodies (LOL, I’m such a fatty)! They were moving so fast. Before I even know it, I’m back on stage. They are announcing the places. Fifth place, not me… Fourth place, not me… Third place, still not me… Wait what?! I’m in the top two!!! Second place goes to, KAYLIE KLITZING! I did it!!! I was now an Ifbb Pro! I was crying on stage. And when I came off the stage, my amazing support system was crying even more (especially my dad)!

To sum it all up, I was on cloud nine! I had accomplished something I couldn’t even image. I didn’t even imagine in, Ariel did! He told me in 2014 that I could turn pro in 2015. He was right. I thank him and Linda for believing in me! And a big thanks to Bubba, my parents, Grandma Micky, and Devan for being there to cheer me on. It wouldn’t have been the same without you!

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